Quantum Datum

May 19, 2015 RE: Memory storage at brain ( hippocampus)

Jim Blake Theory -  A BFRT - Big Fat Russell’s Teapot:

If a bird brain can locate itself across a hemisphere of the Earth via its sensitivity to magnetic information why couldn’t the geography within a single brain area function using such a mechanism?

Jim Blake speculative neologisms as of this text:

Quantum Datum ( QD)

Hemylation:  an epigenetic post translational modification that adds an iron ion tag thus creating a memory bit, a sign part, a grammatical unit,  a sub-component of a single memory like a phoneme is part of a single word.

Subatomic electromagnetic signaling ( SES)

Quantum Electro Links ( QEL)

Quantum Datum Pulse ( QDP)

There is a point of orientation ( think: USGS brass benchmark) at the middle commissure of the thalamus called the Quantum Datum (QD)  that works in conjunction with iron-rich epigenetic tags at unspooled DNA in chromatin in memory neurons in the hippocampus  that differentiates molecules by their orientation in space on XYZ axes; think: aircraft: pitch-yaw-roll establishing a point definable by its place on this XYZ grid. Each memory bit can precisely locate / measure its distance  to all other memory bits at  other hippocampal neurons, as well as measure its distance from,  and orientation to,  the central thalamic benchmark, the Quantum Datum. This iron-rich marking of neuron histones associated with memory genes is called Hemylation similar to other post translational modifications:  methylation, acetylation, phosphorylation, citrullination, etc). The iron-tagged histone molecule, now a memory bit,  is the airplane that has become frozen in space.

One reason neurons are not typically replaced during one’s lifetime is that they have locked hemylations at nano-specific locations,  each location defining a sub-unit of memory in relation to the quantum datum. The histone molecule has tumbled into and become locked into a very specific orientation with its iron tag now a very definite point in space in relation to QDatum and all other memory neurons at hippocampus. There is a stochastic quality to this positioning of the hemylations in relation to one another as well as to the QD.

New memory is stored by new hemylations at neuron DNA and these new tags are immediately linked in space to 100,000 existing tags. These tagged neurons read one another’s quantum signature via Subatomic Electromagnetic Signalling SES  forming Quantum Electro Links ( QEL). Each memory bit ( hundreds at a single neuron)  has two different capabilities both related to its location: #1. Its relations in the QD network #2. Its dendritic relation to all related neurons involved in this memory.

QD addendum #1

The Quantum Datum at thalamus radiates a microwave pulse (QDP) ( 24/7/365 birth to death)  in all directions like a motion detector. This pulse is detected and reflected  by the memory bits ( hemylated histones)  allowing the Quantum Datum  to “understand” where each hemylation is located in relation to all other memory bits using iron atoms enabling rapid neuronal intercommunication.

QD addendum #2

Cerebral spinal fluid not only cushions the brain but acts as an efficient fluid medium for thalamic sonar pulses triangulating via neuronal histone hemylations that have accrued in the process of storing  memory. These pulses are re-radiated from the interior surface of the lateral ventricles.

QD addendum #3

dreams are the result of QDP activity while sleeping as undirected, unfocused random connections are assembled between voxels at hippocampus and processed through neocortex storytelling-myth making neural architecture. when awake, the cerebral cortex directs this activity in relation to “reality”

QD addendum #4

The Quantum Datum emits a QD Pulse day and night  linking new experience with memory. Quasi random Connections continue to be made at hippocampus between stored memory day and night as the neocortex processes the stuff of daily life. Thus our subconscious mind works on a problem while we tend to routine activity.

QD addendum #5

Check the relative viscosity of new and old neurons. As histones in chromatin are locked up as memory bits they are re-secured into the DNA. Twenty years of this would create a less viscous chromatin at neurons.
