The Rule of Fouche'

January 27, 2015 The rule: “Don’t use one drug to counteract the ill effects of another”.  Example:  Jack your nervous system with caffeine, sugar, carbohydrate and or chocolate then smoke a cigarette or drink a glass of wine to calm your agitated nerves or vice versa.  You are violating your biorhythm.  You are intensely hyped from a great performance for 30,000 screaming fans.  You shoot up heroin in the tour bus to calm down then snort cocaine the following night to prepare for another show - a vicious cycle.  The Rule of Fouche’ - don’t leave home without it.

Drugs come in many forms - neurochemistry 101.  If you endure elation and or depression undrugged you will snap out of any ill effects soon enough and after a good night’s sleep, a nutritious meal and some exercise - you’re good to go.

  1. Balance - mind and body
  2. It is difficult to exist in excited state of mind
  3. Bliss is excitement
  4. Horror is excitement
  5. Wavering between two poles - go too far and fall off the cliff
  6. Too much bliss is flyiing too close to the sun - Icarus
  7. Drink coffee-get wired,
  8. Too much adrenalin - drink beer, whiskey, wine to relax
  9. Get stressed-drink alcohol - begin cycle of dissolution
  10. What is a cycle of solution?  Sleep 8 hours a night, eat nutritious food, get as much exercise as possible
  11. Establish a cycle of SO-lution not DIS-solution
  12. Love, Power, Fame, Music, TV-Movies and Art are all drugs-not all of them are destructive-all in moderation
  13. Entertainment is a drug that fills the void created by the absence of personal power: no local influence in love, family dynamics, local politics or much of anything.
  14. Lack of local power results in a spiritual void to be filled with entertainment, televised sports, unhealthy food.
  15. Local power position would leave little time to get lost in television:Seek The Grange, Boy Scouts, Church, Gun Club, model railroad or radio-controlled model aircraft  group
  16. TV has become hyper-customized to lure one and all into its druggy delight.
  17. Power and influence are their own drugs - the loss of these launches spectatorship and excessive alcohol intake.
  18. All living is the modulation of one’s neurochemistry, moods, expectation of reward; i.e. neurochemical balancing act throughout the day.
  19. The following are drugs: love, alcohol, opiates,nicotine, cannabis, refined sugar, carbohydrate, music, drama, tv-movies, painting, food prep, religion, responsibility for others, altruistic acts, kindness to animals
  20. One improves at musical skill when practice becomes pleasure and it entrances the player with finger stimulation, compelling cadence, rhythm, melody
  21. Music and art are drugs for creators as well as their audience.  One wishes to remain enthralled  and when the art  is over sadness ensues, a void in the heart and mind.
  22. One is driven to replace the now absent music drug with another less ephemeral drug but these are usually expensive and destructive to one’s health
  23. Desire:  At age 20 I want respect, love,money, power, fame, music and art - you name it - I desire it.  It ALL looks good.  What will it all cost?  DNA must have its histone core.
  24. Consequences of desire - the cat seeks to inhabit the interior of the big glass jug, once inside it wants out.
  25. The grass is greener on the other side - once on the other side,  the grass is not so green - conclusion: My presence diminishes the color of the grass i.e. wherever I go, I reduce the quality of the environment a la Woody Allen when he remarked: “I would not want to belong to a club that would accept me as a member”  My presence in the club diminishes the club.
  26. How to prevent the Woody effect?  How does one reverse this effect once it sets in?
